I have spoken to two different JWs.... one 50 + old sister from my old congregation, who asked how I was doing, and a 19/20 year old brother who recognized me from "the circuit" .... he was a greeter, at WalMart.... so... he was kind of captive, hehe...
The approach I took with both of them was, "I have always loved justice, and truth, and morality.... My husband was DFd for testifying & telling the truth in a child sex abuse case.... I don't like hypocrisy, I can't support it..... I saw the ARC testimony from the branch, the service desk, the legal desk and Geoffrey Jackson (infamous GB) and their answers were not candid... I cannot support lying. The first sin in the Bible was "lying".....
That was the boiled down version of it.....
What do you think?